What is Psycho-Spiritual Integration?
Psycho-Spiritual integration is a process of transformation. It is the integration of major themes in your life that have created internal divides or fragmentation of your whole, true, thriving self. It is witnessing each part of your story, rewriting internal narratives and establishing integrity in the way forward.
What are the patterns and themes of your life that you’re seeking to change? Healing is a process of transformation enriched with compassionate integration. My intention is to support you in finding your healer within.
Our work can include:
Intuitive energy readings
Somatic witnessing
Guided visualizations
Personal ceremony curation
Creative Mentoring
Psychedelic Facilitation
What is Psychedelic Facilitation?
Psychedelic Facilitation as a process of entheogenic experience preparation and integration…
Often those taking psychedelics desire professional support in preparing for and integrating these profound experiences. I work with clients who are contemplating psychedelic experiences who might be wondering what to expect and how to ensure safety in their preparation and integration.
A lot can come up during this process, and I can help with:
understanding different psychedelic substances and their history
making educated decisions if psychedelics are for you, including determining if you have contraindications that would prohibit you from taking psychedelics
educating about the psychedelic experience, including duration of experience, common side-effects and questions around dosage
talking about set and setting - the two most important factors influencing your psychedelic experience
reflecting on your intentions of including psychedelics on your journey
integrating these potentially life changing experiences
Psychedelic integration varies from person to person, but usually involves unpacking potentially confusing, difficult, wonderful and transpersonal experiences that might be insightful on your psychological journey. The integration is the return from altered states of consciousness, and fully weaving your personal discoveries and intentions into your daily life.
I offer ethical services through the lens of my practice which is based on ensuring the safety and well-being of my clients. Choice made by my clients are of their own conscious volition.
Researching clinical psychedelic studies can be found by visiting maps.org/research